How do I make a formal complaint?

PayMoto is committed to providing you with the highest standards of service at all times – both when access and use our service and when you contact our Customer Support team. We do however understand there may be occasions where our service has not met with your expectations.

If this is the case, we wish to extend our apologies to you if you feel we have let you down or you are disappointed with the service you have received. We will remain committed to assisting you, our goal will be to provide a resolution you are happy with wherever possible. We will however respond to your complaint by assessing the information you provide against our Terms and Conditions, including any additional policies you have agreed to when using our services by setting up a transfer, by accessing our website or downloading our app.

Before you submit your complaint you should take time review our  Terms and Conditions. As stated above our assessment of the information you provide with your complaint will be assessed against these terms and any other policies you agree to when accessing our services.

This article contains details of our complaints process, and your rights as our customer.

Our complaints process is designed to meet our obligations as detailed by the regulators for the various jurisdictions in which we operate.

What do I need to do to make a complaint?

Although you have the right to make a complaint by speaking with us in person or by telephone, we would recommend you make your complaint by email to [email protected], this will ensure we have a clear understanding of the issues you have experienced. When you send your email please ensure you provide following information:

  • Your PayMoto customer number
  • The date you experienced the issue that caused your complaint
  • The transfer reference number(s) in question if applicable
  • The nature of your dissatisfaction or complaint
  • Your preferred options for a resolution

On receipt of your email it will be passed to the appropriate individual or department at PayMoto. Our Customer Support team receives training on recognising and managing a complaint and fully understands our internal escalation procedure.

What steps will PayMoto take when a complaint is made?

  • Send you written acknowledgement that your complaint has been received
  • Contact you should we require additional information regarding your complaint
  • Fully investigate your complaint and any issues you have raised, we will then provide a response, including an explanation of our decisions.

It is important that we undertake a thorough investigation of your complaint. As a result you may receive a final response from us on the matter up to 40 working days after you make your complaint. Whenever possible we will do our best to send you our findings and decision well within the 40 working day period.

If you remain dissatisfied with our response, you have the right to take your concerns to one of the dispute resolution services operating in Australia from which you used our services. We have provided contact details for these services below.

In all instances we would encourage you to engage with our Internal Complaints Process before referring your concerns to a dispute resolution service.


You may lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority:


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 1800 931 678

Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC, 3001

Time limits may apply to complain to AFCA and so you should act promptly or otherwise consult the AFCA websites to find out if or when the time limit relevant to your circumstances expires.